Welcome Class of 2025
Class of 2025, you are almost 100-days away from walking across the stage as you join the ranks of esteem Bison alumni. If you haven’t already, make it official by registering for graduation on OneLogin – SelfService.
The office of Alumni Relations invites you to
Senior Toast
Thursday, January 23
6:00 – 8:00pm
Academic Building Foyer
Business casual or cocktail attire
Hospitality provided, including passed apps and bar
Registration is required (see below)
What is the Nichols College Alumni Association?
Upon graduation, your membership into the alumni association is automatic. You are a Bison for life! The alumni network is comprised of graduates from all over the world and as you progress in life, don’t forget your home on the Hill. See upcoming alumni events here.
How can I make an impact?
The class of 2025 is raising money for the Senior Class Gift!
The class gift is a symbolic or physical gift to the college that leaves a lasting impact on the college from the Class of 2025.
Make a donation of at least $20.25 to leave an impact for future generations of Nichols students and receive your first piece of alumni merchandise at the toast. Make your senior gift here.
Optional: Earn your Philanthropy Cord at graduation
It’s time to reflect on your time on the Hill. Submit a nomination form to receive your philanthropy cord to wear at graduation here.
Registration for Senior Toast 2025